Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday Before the Storm

Hello! It looks like a snowstorm is blowing in,flakes were blowing around me, while carving....nice. I want to thank my mom today, she is a wonderful artist, who I get lots of tips from. A little pencil mark here, a little pencil mark there, can really make a difference in a sculpture :-).

Sooooo, little Baboo has had some changes.....his eyes are bigger, his nose is shortened, the top of his head has flattened a bit, his mouth has opened up more to show his little tongue, a bit more happiness in his smile :-), touch of little whiskers above his eyes. He has had some serious Fraxel Repair, ha ha.

The older seal is getting a name today..... "Sapere"....... Italian for wisdom and knowledge...the word Sage comes from the latin word Sapere as well...very appropriate. Baboo is from the Joe language, meaning cute, childlike, happy ,little baboo ball of energy!!

Sapere has had a bit of work as well. The eyes a little bigger and less droopy, some wisdom lines at the corners of the eyes, and some whiskers above the eyes.
Everything is subject to change, ha ha...The next move is to smooth out the body lines more, I do not want any scratches, chisel marks, or roughness anywhere. The bodies need to be sleek and ready to swim off at a moments notice.

Ok, back to work....have a nice day...Joe

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